About Us

We Don’t Believe Boredom Promotes Creativity

Most of the sales training industry follows an age old method of sitting your staff in a conference room for hours. Hopefully while they are taking notes and listening to a talk that has been modified slightly, but has been given a thousand times before. 

This is essentially taking your staff out of their natural environment, placing them into the classroom environment, and trying to force information into their heads. 

Information that is typically pulled from a thick binder prepared to impress, but realisticaly mearly shows the rigidity and inflexible nature of the training.

Be Different. Get Better Results!

Most of these training courses boast some doctor or professor that has studied the same old work that everyone else has done on the subject, and compiled his own version of it. 

We Work Backwords! Flip the script and find what really works for your sales staff. Not what has worked for sales people selling an unrelated item 20 years ago. 

Don’t Have Money to Pay? OK!

Wait what? But seriously. We work with companies of all sizes. Some want a listed cost for training so they can fit it in their books and match all the numbers. Some companies need to see something work before they can even afford it. 

We Hear You! 

Lets make our service something your company can’t live without!