Why Are Salespeople So Hard to Find?

What if I didn’t have to fight for the same people as everyone else?

So many companies today are fighting a losing battle over the same “Type A” personality salespeople. They keep offering more and more money. Giving them incentive packages, pledging them freedom and support and everything they need, just so they will come and work for our company rather than our competition. 

It has gotten so bad that there are websites dedicated to placing your plea in front of as many sales people as possible. All for a fee of course. 

What if it didn’t have to be this way? What if we could make the first person to walk thru our door, just as effective as sales person as the most sought after Type A person ever? 

What if we didn’t have to keep training and losing our sales people?

Sick and tired of training a sales person, only to have them quit, or get fired for unproductively only a few months into the job? 

Maybe they weren’t able to do the job because they were given all the training as if they were a Type A personality. Maybe they just needed to be outfitted with tools according to the strengths that they already have. 

Signature Script empowers sales by unlocking tools that already exist!

All training out there exists in one language: Type A personality. 

This narrow sighted thinking has forgotten one very powerful truth. Not everyone can relate to a Type A personality.

Literally we are leaving millions of customers on the bench rather than giving them the ability to be reached by an informed and trained Type B, or Type C, or Type D personality. Not only are we doing them a disservice, but we are also restricting our prospective base by millions of people. 

Lets train our staff in a language that they can actually learn from. Lets let go of the “Throw it against the wall and see what sticks” mentality, and instead, support the people that we have and ensure that they are more effective than anyone thought possible.